The mission of George Hall Elementary School is to engage all students in a rigorous and challenging educational program. As a community of learners, we promote individual student achievement and empower our students to excel in a culture of responsibility and mutual respect. Our students will graduate as knowledgeable, productive citizens in an ever-changing technological world.
- Student Code of Conduct.pdf
- Parent Compact 2024-2025.pdf
- MCPSS Parent and Family Engagement Plan Brochure 24.pdf
- Plan de participación de padres y familias de MCPSS 24.pdf
- Hall Parent and Family Engagment Plan 23-24.pub
- Hall ACIP 23-24.pdf
- Hall Parent and Family Engagment Plan 23 Spanish1024_1.jpg
- Parent's Right to Know 23-24.pdf
- Parent's Right To Know-Spanish.pdf
- PFEP pdf
- Parent Compact 23-24 Spanish.pdf
- Annual Title I Meeting Presentation